The Lunar Chronicles: A Book Series Review

In need of an escape from reality? Do you like fractured fairy tales? Look no further! As a frequent reader, I read all types of books. But none have completely captivated my attention like the Lunar Chronicles have, and I’m not the only one. The series is made up of four books that are modern takes on classic fairytales.

My friend Charlie has also read this series, though she hasn’t completely finished it like I have. She says it’s great for people who like both fairytales and sci-fi, and I have to agree. We’re both also big fans of the author, Marissa Meyers. Ms. Trzensinksi, one of our wonderful media specialists, also recommends this series for people who love fantasy and sci-fi stories, as well as for anyone who likes fast-paced books. She thinks the first book, Cinder, is the best.

The first book in this series is Cinder, a retelling of Cinderella mixed with sci-fi and futuristic themes. Cinder is a cyborg mechanic, who like all the other cyborgs, is often discriminated against in society. And when that’s not happening, she’s dealing with her abusive stepmother and sister. When she gets the offer of a lifetime, to fix the android (robot) that belongs to the handsome Prince Kai, she immediately takes it. But, little does she know that this opportunity will turn her life upside down. Cinder is by far my favorite character. Her sarcasm and quick thinking are really what tie this story together for me. And her stepmother and sister irritate me throughout the book. If you like tough and resilient main characters, then this book is definitely for you.

The second book in the series is called Scarlett, a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood. When Scarlet’s grandmother goes missing, she reluctantly teams up with a mysterious street fighter who goes by the name Wolf. Wolf claims to know where her grandmother is. But, Wolf’s secrets mixed with Scarlet’s grandmother’s might just lead them to doom. Scarlet and Wolf’s romance is my favorite! Enemies to lovers will always win for me. I’m usually on the edge when it comes to characters like Wolf, but I loved him! And I totally did not see the plot twist at the end, though looking back, I probably should have. 

Cress is the third book in the series, a retelling of Rapunzel. Cress has spent half of her life in a satellite in the galaxy as her queen’s personal programmer/hacker. Now, the queen has given her an important assignment: find the fugitive Cinder Linh (from the first book). But, Cress has a different plan: help Cinder escape. Rapunzel is one of my favorite Disney characters, so I was excited to start this book, but I was honestly a little disappointed. Out of all the books, it’s my least favorite and I found myself skipping over Cress’s chapters, in favor of Cinder’s and Scarlet’s. It does get better in the end though. 

Winter is the fourth and final book in this series. The story is a re-telling of Snow White. Winter is out of time, and she knows it is only a matter of time before her stepmother Queen Levana tries to kill her. But now she has no place to go and no idea how to survive life outside of the palace until she meets the infamous Cinder and her crew. I must admit, after reading Cress, I was a bit skeptical to start this book. But, I found myself loving it so much that I sometimes delayed reading it because I didn’t want it to end. Marissa Meyers sure puts her characters through a lot! 

Overall, the Lunar Chronicles is one of my favorite book series ever and I hope some of you will be inspired to go and read it too! You can find all four books at our school media center.

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