OM Caught the Blues

A Blue Man Group Performance Recap After years of trepidation, it finally happened. At midnight on March 19th, a few dozen Oakland Mills community members got together to witness the debut of the local junior chapter of the Blue Man Group, with the main draw being the familiar faces on stage. Despite their identities being common knowledge, they requested to stay anonymous during interviews. Primarily … Continue reading OM Caught the Blues

Elective Spotlight

What classes should I pick for next year? With class selection time here, it can be difficult to figure out what classes you might like. This can be especially true when class names aren’t particularly informative; like, what on earth happens in Strength and Conditioning? Since choosing the right electives for you is vital to your high school experience, here are a few classes my … Continue reading Elective Spotlight

50 Years at hOMe

A look back at OM over the years 50 years ago, Oakland Mills High School officially opened its doors to educate and enrich its first classes of students. Starting with only one semester and a limited number of grades, OM quickly expanded its list of extracurricular activities. Though the first couple of school years didn’t have homecoming dances, there were plenty of school dances and … Continue reading 50 Years at hOMe

HBO: Removed Shows Are Back?

In the past several months, upwards of 80 shows and movies have been quietly removed from the streaming platform HBO Max. Announcements of removals have been scarce with even show-runners not receiving prior notice for the removal of their shows. Attention was first drawn to this after the notorious cancellation of the mostly completed movie Batgirl, in the summer of 2022.  Originally speculated to be … Continue reading HBO: Removed Shows Are Back?

College Acceptance

…And what to do afterward For some, deciding what college to go to after having concrete options is easy, but for many, it can be quite complicated. When making the decision, consideration has to be given to potential majors, school-specific opportunities, living situations, and overall finances. For example, if someone who wants to study marine biology was accepted into an honors program with one college … Continue reading College Acceptance