Paid Parking Coming to OM

OM Students Will Have to Pay for Parking in the Upcoming School Year

Many students in Howard County pay for the ability to park in their school lot; however, Oakland Mills students have had the privilege of free parking in recent years. This will change in the upcoming school year due to overpopulation and lack of space. Our school population will be increasing by 15%, putting us over 1500 students, more than Howard High who was once the most populated high school in Howard County. OM Administrator Mr. McCaskill commented, “Our school is growing, so because of that fact we are going to have limited spaces next year. We imagine that more students will be driving, so with a ‘first come, first served’ rule in place, we intend to charge students 200 dollars for all-year parking at the school.” Ms. Nash, another OM administrator, added, “I am aware that students need their cars for transportation, but where would we put that transportation?”

This news has been met with outrage from many students who have been waiting to finally be allowed to drive to school. But, with an increase in student population and no increase in parking spaces, it’s likely little can be done to alleviate the situation. 

It’s good to appreciate the comfortable and easy-going times while we still have them, especially when things are about to change. There’s no way around it – Oakland Mills is about to get a little more tight and a little more pricey. 

Happy April Fool's Day!🦂

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