The Cameras are Rolling

OMTV is on the Air!

Rewinding to the beginning of the year, the film production class debuted their first episode of OMTV during ScorpTime in November. Students who take this elective course “receive instruction and experience in various technical and artistic aspects of video production,” according to the HCPSS course catalog. 

Their latest episode came out just last month, the fourth and final one for the year. Every reel shows a compilation of short sketches and advertisements for school-associated clubs and social groups. The video production class mixes information with humor in their episodes to engage and enlighten the students of OM.

Despite there being no leading host, the studio is made up of compassionate superstars with control over their own production settings, backed up by a wide range of creativity and personality. Among the talented members of the production team is Chineme Asike, a senior who joined the class at the beginning of this school year. “We start with an idea, then write the story followed by a storyboard, and once that’s done, we get to work. It takes one to three days to film and two to four to edit.” Throughout his involvement, he has been inspired to create videos incorporating his animation skills in the equation.

The teacher of the class, Mr. Williams, runs the studio located in the back of the media center. Mr. Williams allows hands-on experience where his students can understand and engage in the concepts of videography. Surprisingly enough, the majority of these skits are composed totally by the student community without their supervisor’s assistance. 

Being a part of OMTV’s set is a preview of the film industry for aspiring actors and filmmakers. Senior Tseboh Mbigah stars in many of the show’s clips, playing the role of Super Scorp or just himself at times. Based on how he expresses his enthusiasm for OM television, Mbigah seems to have found a career interest that may never have been revealed without the OMTV opportunity. Mr. Williams, who actually holds a degree in film, claims that he avoids publishing their broadcasts to social media since their purpose is to belong to the OM community. This year, they have attempted to imitate 1980’s telecasts, citing influences such as Nickelodeon. But don’t fret, although their videos can’t be rewatched, OMTV has plans to return in the future with their production quality improving and gaining influence with each episode.
All extracurriculars should hop onto the trend of composing pieces of media led by the student community. As seen with the video production’s broadcasts, dreams can come to life when students are given the freedom to explore their personal talents.

Photo Credit: Brendan Williams

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